why you don’t have to do it all

You're a superwoman!

So many times I've been complimented this way along the years. Interestingly, I've never heard these words from a man, but from friends, colleagues, extended relatives: "Wow, you do so much, you handle everything: you're Superwoman!"

And I used to feel great about it, like my hard work and dedication was being recognised. Like I was being not only appreciated... but validated!

Perhaps you've also been there? Putting on a Superwoman cape, thinking you have to do everything and be everything to everyone, putting your needs for space, rest, silence, and play last on your to-do list?

I used to believe this was the way to be a good person.

And if you asked me when I was a kid what I wanted to be, this is what I would answer: I want to be a good person.

A good daughter, a good friend, a good wife, a good mom, a good colleague, a good worker, a good business owner...

Until I learned that not only this isn't possible, it also doesn't serve me at all.

The Superwoman image is a lie, and that it is costing us more than we think.

The idea that we need to do it all to feel good about ourselves is not only exhausting, it's unsustainable.

I dug into this myth during my masterclass, exploring why we feel this pressure to do more, to be more, and how we can shift it.

There’s so much freedom in saying no to what (or who!) doesn’t serve us and embracing the power of doing less but better.

If you’re ready to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, maybe this is the gentle nudge you’ve been waiting for.

The masterclass recording is available until October 15th at half the price.

Take a breath, and know that you’re allowed to drop the cape. 🌿

Power and light,




Flow into Balance

Let's play a little game : how many of these are true for you?
🙌 You've got too many hats to wear on top of actually... Read more

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Jessica Tefenkgi Ruelle.

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